Turtles worldwide are facing extinction due to a variety of threats, including habitat loss, pollution, climate change, and poaching. In Sri Lanka, turtle populations are particularly vulnerable due to the destruction of their nesting sites and the harvesting of their eggs and meat. Over the years, the demand for turtle products has caused a significant decline in the turtle population, with several species now critically endangered.
We recognize the urgent need to protect these precious creatures and their habitats. The turtle hatcheries in Sri Lanka aim to increase the number of hatchlings that survive to adulthood, releasing them back into the wild to contribute to the growth of the population. We also work with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of turtle conservation and promote sustainable practices that can help to ensure a bright future for these majestic creatures.
We believe that every individual has a role to play in preserving our planet's biodiversity, and we are dedicated to spreading awareness and promoting sustainable practices. Our values are rooted in respect for these magnificent creatures and the environment they inhabit. We strive to provide a safe and nurturing environment for turtle hatchlings, working closely with local communities to ensure their protection. Our goal is to inspire people to take action and become stewards of the natural world, creating a brighter future for all living beings.